
We offer a range of training courses for Business Analysts, Software Architects and Software Developers. All courses are presented in-person either over Zoom or on-site. Lectures and extensive course notes provide a strong theoretical and conceptual foundation whilst practicals, discussion- and feedback-sessions establish the practical competency.

Domain-Driven & Organizational Architecture Analysis & Design

This course is meant for business analysts and software designers focusing on domain-driven, technology neutral analysis and design of business and/or system processes. Candidates are taught systematic method for technology-neutral business process design yielding good responsibility localization and testable service contract specifications. The course is suited for implementation mapping across technologies including distributed micro-services based software architectures.

Organizational Architecture

This course is meant for business strategists and senior business analysts. It teaches how to align organizational structure with its core capabilities and how to realize organizational strategies and tactics to concretely support the organization’s capabilities.

Software Architecture

This course teaches how to design, document and validate a software architecture in order to provide an infrastructure within which the deployed business processes can be provided with the required quality attributes. Additionally candidates will gain a solid understanding of reference architectures including distributed and micro-services based architectures, open inference networks, Jakarta-EE and AUTOSAR.

Developing Distributed Standards-Based Microservices Systems

In this course candidates will learn how to design business processes across responsibility domains which are mapped onto separate micro-services managed by different teams and how to develop, test, deploy and manage micro-services based systems.

Software Integration

This course covers integration approaches, standards and best practices and teaches candidates how to design an integration architecture which realizes the quality requirements including reliability, decoupling, scalability, security, audibility, …

Design Patterns

Design patterns provide elegant reusable design solutions addressing common design challenges. Using them can a substantially improve the quality of one’s designs. This course covers the classical “Gang-of-Four” patterns as well as architectural and integration patterns.

Software Architecture & Frameworks


Programming in Java

The Programming in Java course provides software developers a solid conceptual and practical foundation for developing quality programs in Java. It provides a foundation for both, object-oriented and functional programming in Java.

Advanced Java

This course is meant for aspiring senior Java developers who want to understand and be able to effectively use the more recent and more advanced language features in order to improve the maintainability and quality of the software systems they develop.

Programming in C++

This course provides a solid foundation for developing modern C++ systems with a focus on understandable, efficient, maintainable and safe programs.

High-Performance Computing using Rust

This course teaches developers who can program in other programming languages the Rust programming language and how to develop maintainable, robust, high-performance systems using Rust.

AI and Deep Learning for Java (DL4J) provides an extensive suite of tools for building production-grade deep-learning applications. Scalability and performance can be achieved using distributing training, re-enforcement learning and inference across CPU and GPU clusters. Integration with Apache Kafka for data streaming, Apache Spark for distributed computing and Hadoop for large-scale data analytics makes DL4J suited for enterprise-level AI applications.

This course provides a solid foundation in the concepts of neural-network based Artificial Intelligence (AI) and deep learning and in developing scalable deep learning solutions using the DL4J framework.

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